Sunday, November 3, 2019

Time for analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Time for analysis - Essay Example Rolex may have used the woman in the ad as an implication that the watch is as attractive as the woman. The watch is likely to appeal to the buyers when such a beautiful woman is used in the ad. The use of a fallen tree as a bridge is the only solution the woman in a jungle has to use in order to overcome some of the challenges such as crossing the bridge. Many people face challenges of time constraint which they must overcome in order to achieve their goals. However, without a watch it may be difficult for them to overcome those challenges. Therefore, everybody needs watch in order to manage their time and carry out all of their activities effectively (Pricken 124). The woman in the ad seems relaxed and not in any hurry as she begins to cross the bridge. The fallen tree she is using as the bridge has a broad base, and that could be the reason the lady seems relaxed and without any worries. However, as she gets to the middle of the tree, it becomes thinner and more dangerous to cross while the river becomes deeper at that point. This implies that at the beginning of the day people seem relaxed because they think they have plenty of time. However, as time goes by, and the sunset approaches they come to a realization of inadequacy of time yet they have not achieved the day’s target. Additionally, the rays of the sun are illuminating the area of the bridge in front of the lady thus making it appear as if it is early. Looking at the watch it shows the time is fifteen-minutes-to-two. Therefore, this could imply that witch is an essential tool for guiding people in planning their day-to-day activities and avoid being caught up the time by surpr ise (Pricken 139). The picture shows a waterfall that is permanent, and it shows the challenges in the jungle are permanent. It is upon the lady to find whatever means they can afford in order to overcome the challenges. The waterfall may symbolize the durability of the watch. Also, the

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