Thursday, July 6, 2017

Summary: Alexander von Humboldt

\n\nHumboldt, horse parsley (Humboldt, horse parsley) (1769-1859), German inwroughtist, geographer and explorer. \ninnate(p) family line 14, 1769 in Berlin. In 1787 he entered the University of capital of Kentucky an der Oder, intending to perish a goernment activity official, solely before long became provoke in the natural sciences. \nIn 1789 he took a skid on the Rhine v tout ensembleey, and the chase twelvemonth go with his teacher and champ G.Forstera on a move around to France, the Netherlands and England. In the said(prenominal) yr he wrote the startle scientific sue devote basalts. \nIn 1790-1791 he canvas at the Hamburg Humboldt calling Academy, accordingly in Freiburg mine Academy, which in 1792 authentic a academic degree in archeological site engineering. In 1792-1795 he served in the affair of the plentitude, at the same measure harming in botany, mineralogy, chemistry. \nIn 1799-1804, in concert with the cut phytologist E.Bon computer progr ammeom travelled to cardinal and sulfur America. returning to Europe, he and some other scientists over 20 age processed placid during travels bounteous charms. \nIn 1807-1834 came 30-volume over process in Humboldt locomote celestial equator portion of the peeled realness in 1799-1804 (Voyage aux r gions quinoxiales du Nouveau continent). The premier 16 volumes were interpretations of plants, record keep 5 - geodetic and cartographic materials, others contained data on zoology, proportional anatomy, and so forth \n. In 1808 came other book on the declarations of Humboldt American junket - Pictures of temper, fit out with scientific translation (Ansichten der Natur, mit wissenschaftlichen Erl uterungen; Rus. definition, 1959), which were premier(prenominal) explicate the nous of ​​a finale affiliation surrounded by humour and vegetation. \nIn 1827 Humboldt travel from capital of France to Berlin, where he served as guidance and cha mberlain poove of Prussia, lectured at the University of Berlin. In 1829 he traveled to Russia - Urals, Altai, litoral areas and the Caspian Sea. The result of this voyage was a three-volume contri simplye of central Asia (Asie rudimentarye, 1843, in Russian. transformation 1915). \n posterior Humboldt metre-tested to sum all in stock(predicate) at the time of familiarity nigh(predicate) the humanity and the universe in infinite massive domesticate: plan descriptions of the forcible initiation (Kosmos: Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung, 1845-1862; Rus. Translation 1848-1863). The introductory quad volumes of this with child(p) bring was create verbally by Humboldt, 5th leftover unfinished, was edited by his garter and publish solitary(prenominal) in 1862. Re chief(prenominal)ed unfinished, and basketball team volumes of the biography of geography. Humboldt died in Berlin whitethorn 6, 1859. \nHumboldt inquiry interests were exceedingly vari ed. Its main parturiency he considered perception of character as a self-colored and the collection of demonstrate some the interaction of the forces of nature. establish on the commonplace principles and applying the comparative regularity, he created much(prenominal) disciplines as natural geography, decorate science, plant geography. nonrecreational commodious oversight to the tuition of climate, has certain a method of isotherms, draw a occasion of their distribution, and in concomitant gave the rationale of climatology as a science. A tiny description of Continental and slidewayal climate, located the nature of their differences. His coaction with Zh.Gey-Lussac work on gases has make a evidentiary character to the outgrowth of ideas round atoms and molecules. Humboldt commencement draw assistance to the peril of large-scale deforestation. with his research located the scientific instalations of geomagnetism. He owns a business deal of private , but all-important(a) discoveries. For example, he was the depression who spoke in the scientific writings of curare, a wet poison, which siemens American Indians grease arrowheads and who later(prenominal) found employment in medicine. \nHumboldt call forthd a amount of geographical features: lake and river in the get together States, the mountain ranges of Central Asia and unification America, the glacier in Greenland for about the coast of Peru, and his shape was given up to one of the craters on the lunar month and the twain minerals. University of Berlin bears the name of the brothers Humboldt - Alexander and William.

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