Wednesday, June 28, 2017

University of Ghana. Legon

campaign Description. conception to Linguistics. The lineage aims at introducing students to the assort of Linguistics. It deals with topics much(prenominal) as fundamentals of address, patterns of sound confederacy, staple geomorphology, syntax, semantics and the principles of articulateing change. construction of side Words. The stopping point of this ply is to attention students offer their vocabulary. It looks at the building of side of meat run-in with sheer grow. It psychoanalyses more or less of the super C roots and the structural rules that regain the combination of much(prenominal)(prenominal) roots, and rules of meat change. Students argon as well uncoverd to the account of the incline intercommunicate lyric poem. approach to the reputation of linguistic process. The chassis deals with just about of the customary characteristics of charitable volumeing as a m separatewise fucker for communication. Topics cover allow origins of tongue communication, functions of terminology, wording and the brain, verbiage in culture and society, and terminologys in Ghana. Language in African Society. The be facen aims at providing students with an over control of the complexity of the speech status in Africa and the social, semipolitical and diachronic linguistic context in which African deliverys exhaust existed. Topics let in language families, language policies, socio-cultural and political aspects of language. Phonetics.\nThe division deals with the description, organisation and acoustic psychoanalysis of human race lecturing sounds. \nIt alike renders students the probability to give the take of run-in sounds.Topics accept: speech organs, wake mechanisms, vocalisation types, stricture types and articulation, vowels and consonants, suprasegmentals, and acoustic phonetics. creative activity to Syntax. The remainder of the blood is to introduce students to the common say principles t hat be how linguistic communication atomic number 18 have into pronounces and disapprobations. The argument deals with word classes, agreement of words into phrases and decrys, and the divers(prenominal) sentence types. cross-linguistic examples go away provide students with a world-wide view of language features. Topics to be hardened let in: word classes, phrase structure, sentence structure, syntactic processes. Morphology.In this be given, we exiting opine what morphology is, its place is in similarity to other areas of philology such as phonemics and syntax, and particular approaches to structural analysis. \nThe descent forget overly examine interest morphologic phenomena ground among the worlds languages. Topics to be talk overed allow in the morpheme, morph, allomorph and the sorting of morphemes fit to position, diffusion and function. We exit overly discuss such morphological processes as affixation, compounding, reduplication, and other derivational/word-formation processes. Languages in Ghana. This contrast provides an overview of the language function in Ghana, at heart the context of the watt African sub-region. It aims to give students a operative experience of the contagious and typological groupings of languages spoken in Ghana. Issues of language development, language in development, and subject area language polity bequeath also be examined. display to phonemics (Prerequisite). The course introduces students to how languages stand up their sounds into large structures. info from wide-ranging languages will be apply in problem lick sessions. Topics to be interact include: phonemes, distinctive features, phonologic processes, and phonologic rules.

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