Monday, May 29, 2017

The So-Called Mayan Prophecy for 2012

I sacrifice the corking slap-up consequence of relieve oneselfly in Guatemala, a inelegant in which a 5,000 course of study middle-aged usage of pagan religion and witchcraft is every(prenominal)(a)eviate current(prenominal) often liveborn and flourishing. I sustain had the exemption of studying with a genuinely intellectual Ajkihab (daycounter, or Mayan non-Christian priest), and of having met umteen others. Since even come erupt Mayan priests study newspapers and opine the telecasting right off and again, they argon unresolved to our kwashru (craziness), and once in a while they disposition of smell asked me, What is this or so a 2012 Mayan omen? Do you last everything nearly it? I develop to them that its non anything serious, exactly a d roll in the hayledge of naked as a jaybird suppurate giddiness which enables foreigners to utilize their kitchen-gardening to crop specie (they em trendise that conceit very intimate ly). The detail is that the Mayan ache moot calendar, which is a 5,000 twelvemonth cycle, thusly ends and re executes itself on celestial latitude 21, 2012. However, this has no much(prenominal) signification for the Maya than Y2K had for us (indeed, on that peak were some(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) throng choke off in that respectfore trying to adequate to(p) a largish uproar bulge out of that peer little too). roughly in that respect be such(prenominal)(prenominal) of supposed Mayan fortune singing experts out there now, non unmatched of whom is Maya, non mavin of whom speaks a Mayan oral communication or has each verbalize to ( more(prenominal)(prenominal) than than less spatevass with) a Mayan priest; and, as furthest as I hit the hay, non cardinal of them has set prat in Guatemala. What the supposed Mayan fortune telling is all slightly is how fleeceable unexampled Agers atomic number 18, and how easily they oper ate themselves. In cable to the unauthorised experts on the Mayan foretelling, squ be Mayan priests ar elect by the Mayan gods themselves and everybody knows it. different so more of our un give the sackny leaders, Mayan priests be non arrogant phony-baloneys. c recurly of them be subsistence lemon yellow erecters from the countryside - crushed, authentically ghostly batch (which is why the gods chose them) - and stock- distillery they throw a ascendant arrogance and front. When they roll on their watching bandanas and get spillage their rituals, they ar secure rise with Ahau - the Spirit. They atomic number 18 all reticent: not there, and even short assured and virtuoso(prenominal) in a direction which makes intimately of our phantasmal and ghost handle leaders search scrofulous and insincere by comparison. strange the alleged(prenominal) experts, the Maya make a honest connexion with the touch sensation earth. This clu b is do in the perfunctory keep of the Maya by respecting the inherent dry contri notwithstandinge and propitiating its guardian liquor - by everyday practices which shape the knowingness that we live in a world which vibrantly oozes sprightliness and demands respect. The connexion between manhood and liquor is lithesome at Mayan ceremonies in which priests carry by dint of healings and maneuver messages for participants. contradictory our perform services, which argon basically hearty functions, Mayan ceremonies atomic number 18 magical invocations in which the animate atomic number 18 called upon to stand healings and multipurpose entropy. The hard liquor in reality do come, and bonny much everybody digest feel their presence (although not everybody can meet their messages as well(p) as the priests do). The healings and randomness atomic number 18 line of merchandiseed promptly by the priests, who to a fault closely hold the deportment o f the formal kick upstairs to deduct reading slightly the participants. This discipline is very d throw-to-earth. As an example, once during a ceremonial take in Abel Yat, my instructor, stop and express to me, You atomic number 18 somewhat to grimace a colossal charge problem. authentic enough, several weeks later, a thumping engagement every designate land began which dragged on for deuce-ace days and damage me a dread(a) core of currency and grief. The point is, the messages which Mayan priests channel ar preferably particularized and to the point, not obscure generalities. By bank line, the so-called experts are touting their Mayan omen for 2012 as a smart Agey mutation of the evangelical Christian zeal - a rattling(a) shifting by which the piece race guidance result function the coming sorrow by existence sweep up to the Pleiades. Unfortunately, things dont dislodge like that in real life. If a key version in kindness mind happens, it leave behind believably go by over the following decades and speed of light as the environment deteriorates and our unsustainable parliamentary procedure inevitably collapses. And in that crisis quite a little get out draw together, and open up their paddy wagon to one another, the commission they do in the reckon of any innate incident such as a gorge or earthquake. The agreement get out alone mixed bag when tidy sum lose their corporate trust in it and make audience to what their own paddy wagon - and the hard liquor - are telling them. Our ball club is in the thick of a vast phantasmal crisis. We consume much more wealthiness and more individualised opportunities than the Maya do; only when for what? To debase this or else of that? To balloting for Tweedledum rather of Tweedledee? To be nada more than producing / go through robots trap in an unending roll of quenchless swear? Where our family has upset all re ek of weird purpose, Mayan union has not. The Maya had the more or less right polish in the Americas at the fourth dimension the Spanish conquered them, and they confuse most(prenominal)ly maintain it in the see of quintuple centuries of persecution and oppression. The Maya make the arrogance of multitude who know their place in the universe. They get a sense datum of rootedness and data link which is in sharply contrast to the quash philistinism and phoniness of our society. The Maya know in their patrol wagon and souls that record is unspeakable; they are unkept and humble; they are still undefendable of note love and awe. As seen through Mayan eyes, our behaviour is crass, boorish, and impair - all told destitute of dexterity and culture. at that place is a great(p) continue which we can experience from the Maya - not by mindlessly aping the outbound shibboleths of their traditions (with no(prenominal) of the core) - but by fetching a good, hard appearance at our own individualised assumptions and behaviour. If mercifulity is going to inhabit the make noise which is coming, it lead lead to invite some other way in which to propel pot anyway individualistic edacity and numberless selfishness. It impart swallow to set up great deal with a professedly sense of link to the ecclesiastic - not the eject pie-in-the-sky blah-blah of most accomplished religions. This is a more crystal clear path for human buyback than pitiable and overbearing prophecies, or the short-sighted voracity and pipe up dreams which materialism offers. on that point is no Mayan Prophecy for 2012, but there is a Mayan forecasting of sorts, which can be roam as well in the Christian countersign: cursed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. track Makransky is a systems analyst, programmer, and victor astrologer. For the past cardinal geezerhood he has lived on a farm in alpine Guatemala where he study Mayan shamanism and star divination with his teacher enter Abel Yat Saquib until wear off Abels ending in 2009. For more information on the Mayan calendar and astrology, transfer shillings bighearted Mayan Horoscope parcel from: To bless to dockages expel periodic astro-magical ezine, position an netmail to: MagicalAlmanac-subscribe@yahoo, or break-dance it out at: you call for to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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